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Composite Bonding: Text

Get The Smile You've Always Wanted INSTANTLY

A very popular treatment and you can see why with the results that can be achieved.

A more versatile alternative to veneers, composite bonding can disguise poorly aligned teeth, chipped/broken teeth, discoloured teeth, dental spacing/gaps and poorly shaped, short teeth.

The treatment comprises of a composite filling material, that has been appropriately colour matched being manually applied to teeth where it is bonded, shaped and smoothed to suit each individual patient.

There is no alteration or damage to the original tooth which is the main appeal to opting for bonding rather than veneers or crowns. If the filling were to dislodge or is removed, you would be left with the original tooth intact.

Care must be taken with the function of composite bonding and eating habits must be adapted. Should a bonding chip or fracture, it can easily be repaired, whereas a veneer would require complete replacement. Composite bonding lasts many years if maintained well. As long as they do not endure any excessive force or trauma of any kind, composite bonding is a long lasting non invasive treatment.

Composite bonding starts from £120 per tooth. Sets of 4 bondings or more are discounted.

You will need an initial consultation to determine your suitability and dental fitness. You must be dentally fit to proceed with any cosmetic procedure and we advise you have a thorough check up and cleaning with your dentist before attending your consultation.

Veneers are usually priced between £300 -£600 per tooth depending where you go. Composite bonding can be a more cost effective way to get the smile you've always wanted.

Composite Bonding: About
Composite Bonding: Text
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